Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Ahh, so appropriate. Most of my neighbors have not taken their plywood off their windows since Charlie. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

What a horrid horrid picture. My little webcam came in today, and I cant use it at all for streaming video because of the firewall here at work, so I am going to hook it up at home and see if it will do any better.  Posted by Hello

Monday, September 27, 2004

Another hurricane gone by

Three hurricanes in Central Florida, and all of them on the weekend.

It’s a conspiracy, I swear it!

Cancelled Crown Tournament, cancelled the tournament this last weekend, and despite the fact everyone else has gone home here at work, we here in our department are still here. Blinking hurricanes have no sense of timing. How about a nice Tuesday landfall for a change?

Well, on Saturday, figuring we had nothing else to do; we actually drove to the coast to take a look at the storm coming in. Got some good pictures too! It wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be, but, the winds were blowing at about 35 mph or so, maybe 40, enough for the sand to sting quite a bit, and enough to whip the waves into quite a lather.

We even say some surfers trying to get a ride, but they were not having much luck, the waves were to close together to actually get out to the good waves. They were swimming as hard as they could, but could not quite get out there.

So we returned home after hanging out and getting some good pictures of the waves, random birds, and silly surfers, and getting a surprise in the fact that Quizno’s was open (where we had lunch). We did not really need to batten down the hatches, because the windows were already taped, and the carport already was stashed away. The wind started blowing really hard late Sat. night, but the worst came Sunday morning through Sunday night. It wasn’t as bad as Charley, but almost. The tree in the back yard did fine, but this time the wind was blowing from as slightly different direction, and there was a limb that occasionally hit the house. The occasional *thud* was a bit disconcerting, but no damage to the house. We did keep power despite we seeing the occasional transformer flash like green lightning (with the accompanying boom), which was the greatest blessing; because other people here at work do not have power. Unfortunately with the power company’s resources stretched so thin, it will be awhile before power will be restored.

The good news (well for me) is that Martin will be in town on Tuesday, so I can try to get some kinks out of my new fighting stuff, but no good tournament practice for Crown… Assuming a hurricane is not going to blow crown away…

Friday, September 24, 2004

And last... please, think of the kittens... Posted by Hello

Hey! Cool dolphin picture! (I just thought I would include it) Posted by Hello

Here she comes, heading west over the Atlantic, ruining my weekend. Posted by Hello

Cool Quote

Found a great quote today... Reminds me of Bush...

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

Weekend fun

Well, this weekend was a blast!

We started this weekend by going to the Florida Aquarium, which was an absolute blast. Not as big of an aquarium as I had hoped, but quite impressive none the less. They have a nice aviary/rainforest, an ok shark tank, a very impressive reef tank, and a lot of other cool stuff. Most of the pictures I took were off focus or washed out (using a different camera). After the Aquarium, we stopped by “the sunken gardens” and although it was fairly nice, Lu Gardens here in Orlando kicks its butt.

Sunday, after cleaning the bird cages, we went to Martins for some fighting…

Here the pictures below -

Weekend fun

Well, this weekend was a blast!

We started this weekend by going to the Florida Aquarium, which was an absolute blast. Not as big of an aquarium as I had hoped, but quite impressive none the less. They have a nice aviary/rainforest, an ok shark tank, a very impressive reef tank, and a lot of other cool stuff. Most of the pictures I took were off focus or washed out (using a different camera). After the Aquarium, we stopped by “the sunken gardens” and although it was fairly nice, Lu Gardens here in Orlando kicks its butt.

Sunday, after cleaning the bird cages, we went to Martins for some fighting…

Here the pictures below -

Weekend fun

Well, this weekend was a blast!

We started this weekend by going to the Florida Aquarium, which was an absolute blast. Not as big of an aquarium as I had hoped, but quite impressive none the less. They have a nice aviary/rainforest, an ok shark tank, a very impressive reef tank, and a lot of other cool stuff. Most of the pictures I took were off focus or washed out (using a different camera). After the Aquarium, we stopped by “the sunken gardens” and although it was fairly nice, Lu Gardens here in Orlando kicks its butt.

Sunday, after cleaning the bird cages, we went to Martins for some fighting…

Here the pictures below -

Weekend fun

Well, this weekend was a blast!

We started this weekend by going to the Florida Aquarium, which was an absolute blast. Not as big of an aquarium as I had hoped, but quite impressive none the less. They have a nice aviary/rainforest, an ok shark tank, a very impressive reef tank, and a lot of other cool stuff. Most of the pictures I took were off focus or washed out (using a different camera). After the Aquarium, we stopped by “the sunken gardens” and although it was fairly nice, Lu Gardens here in Orlando kicks its butt.

Sunday, after cleaning the bird cages, we went to Martins for some fighting…

Here the pictures below -


Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Ok, so I'm my favorite LOTR Character... I just dont have the right equipment to be her...
Tell me who you are!

Another damn Hurricane!




No tournament for me this weekend. They cancelled the friggin event because the Hurricane coming the next day. Yeesh, you would think that people would be getting used to this sort of thing around here. Pffffthththth!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Rules for Fighting

Well, been looking through the Marshals handbook, and this weekend I am going to bring it with me to make sure the marshals actually know what they are talking about this weekend. What really, really bugs me is when a marshal wants to fail me on inspection on an item that is fine by the rules. So far I have been told my coif is not legal (yes it is, see Trimaris marshal’s Handbook, fighter section VI. A. 3. a) And that my shield arm under a heater needs to be armored (no it doesn’t, It just needs an elbow pad, see Trimaris marshal’s Handbook, fighter section VI. A. 6. b.). There is one thing that I am going to do this weekend to tweak the marshal’s a bit. I am just going to put strapping tape on my sword and leave it at that. Now most people think that duct tape is required on top of it, but according to the book, it just isn’t so… So, we will see how it will go this weekend. I do have to make myself a gorget, either tonight or tomorrow, but everything else should be fine. That and I would like to make a trigger for my sword, but I need a half gauntlet to use that instead the street hockey glove I use now…

Another bleeding Hurricane!?!?!?

Another week, another risk of a hurricane hitting us… Jeanne has done a little loop de loop out in the Atlantic and may very well hit Florida… Maybe… But at least it will be a weekday when it hits instead of the weekend. The main thing I have learned this year is that the weather service really doesn’t have quite a good grasp on the weather. Like this surprises me. With my luck, Jeanne will hit, and I will have to come to work anyway. My power at home will go down for a week, but power here at work will be completely unaffected.

At least it shouldn’t affect my plans this weekend… but one never knows…

Phoenix and I are going out and biking tonight, probably tracing the route that goes to her work so she knows where to go in the morning. I can’t wait; biking will help us both get in better shape.

Hawaii plans are slowly getting there. I am now looking for a deal so I can buy tickets. Waiting, looking… This will be spectacular vacation if we can pull it off…

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

More silly calls

Here are some more fun filled quotes I got from the phone today….

"I just wanted to call and tell you the internet is down for the entire library, and we are in a panic because we can’t work without it! Oh wait; it’s just the front desk. None of the staff can use it… Oh wait, it seems to be working now, never mind…"

Student: I just wanted to call and tell you I had to have my test reset by my instructor. I just wanted to tell you that…

Me: Ok, anything else for you?

Student: No, I just wanted you to know.

Me: Ok, Thanks! Have a nice day!

I am really itching to get out and fight in another tournament. With all the stuff I have learned recently, I really want to put practical use to it. This weekend is a small tourney, and I want to use it as a warm up for the champion’s tournament at crown. I can’t wait!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Blinking customers!

Today is the day of the angry and/or stupid customer

After me answering “(whatever) helpdesk, this is Neal, can I have your name please?”

“Is this really necessary?”

Me: Hey you called me buddy…

“Are you in Florida? Because if you are, I don’t want to talk to you.”

Me: That’s ok, it’s obvious you’re an idiot, and I don’t want to talk to you either.

“Is this the Clinic?”

- boy… did I really want to play with that one…

“Let me talk to Lashawna!”

Me: She charges by the minute, can I have your credit card number?

There are the things I wish I said… Maybe when I get to the day I am quitting IT support forever, those things will actually be said…

I am slowly getting used to being in this cramped little desk, although I am noticing that my neck hurts more sitting here. I am thinking about decorating with light strips and such. I was more professional in my decoration last time. This time I want to be eclectic.

Maybe a stop by Spencers will help. I want some neon to go in my overhead bin. Plants would be nice too… Hmm… I wonder if I can fit a fish bowl in here somewhere…

Well, back to work…

Monday, September 20, 2004

Look around, leaves are brown, and the sky…

Isn’t quite a hazy shade of winter, but it seems so in this office.

They got the new build out on the call center, and I have been given this little desk. Now mind you, I am not complaining too much, as that most everyone has had this issue for a long time, but it’s still depressing.

They opened up the call center so you can see the windows and see sunlight, but it doesn’t really help today, because it’s raining. On top of it all, there is a mobile webcam that now watches over us, big brother style. I am waiting for the shock studs that will be added to our chairs to help our productivity.

It’s not all as bad as that, I am just grumpy because I feel cooped in and claustrophobic, and I can’t fit all my stuff at this new desk. If I shift my feet wrong, I unplug somthing critical under my desk, and it makes me feel very uncomfortable and cramped and depressed. I just wish I could do something for a living that I like, because this really stinks.

Otherwise, this weekend was interesting to say the least. Phoenix and I went out and saw Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which was a stitch. I loved it.
We then went to Martins for a nice stint of drinking Sake and playing silly word guess games. We had a great time. Sunday Phoenix and I had a nice relaxing day where we really didn’t get anything done. It was very nice.

Now, I need a nap.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Work Sucks

Today has been a particularly frustrating day at work.

On top of having to remove everything from my desk, so on Monday I can move to a smaller cubicle, someone gave out stupid pills to people today and it has been very difficult to keep my temper about me today. It is so hard to be patient when your head wants to explode. It’s a terrible feeling...On top of it all, I have to be nice, when I would rather tell the person on the other end of the phone to just give it up now and drop out of school, because their basic computer skills are so poor that they are never going to make it to graduation.


I can’t wait to go home and get out of this place today and see my Phoenix.
I need a rest.

On other news, saw Hero last night, and the visuals made me shake and tear up. It was so beautiful. The use of colors was amazing. I was astounded. Very powerful.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Another song from long ago

By some guy called Lord Aegid... Somewhere in Meridies

Wert there were someone
To bring me cool water
Sweet Adam’s ale, from the fjord near to hand
Wert there a priest to pray me to heaven,
And tell me my Lady is safely away

Fly Lady Fly, to Castle Caernaven
Where the welsh archers bide
And my kin still be strong
Fly! Lady fly! For the storms come upon ya
Think well of the laddie whose blood bought you time

My faithful war Stallion,
Stands O’re me protective
To fend off the ravens and Sasanach thieves
No more to hunting, or charging to battle
This service you render is the last that I’ll need

Fly! Lady Fly! To Castle Caernaven
Where the welsh archers bide
And my kin still be strong
Fly Lady! Fly, for the storms come apon ya
Think well of the laddie whose life bought you time

Wert there were someone
To bring me cool water
Sweet Adam’s ale, from the fjord near to hand…

Ivan the not so terrible becuase it missed us...

Well, yesterdays practice at Martin’s was an absolute blast. I think I had more fun fighting then I have in quite a while. Phoenix even did well when she got into armor, she is such a scrapper when she gets her armor on, and it’s so cute!

Otherwise, not much is going on. Got Phoenix her bike last week, and this weekend we are going to bike the econ trail or something. I need some time to work on some more leather projects (I need to make more pouches and some armor).

Ivan, thank goodness is not coming here. I feel sorry for those who are getting hit, but I don’t think we need another Cat 4 or 5 in Florida right now. Funny headline I saw on The Drudge Report. “'10,000 BODY BAGS READIED, 50,000 COULD DIE IN DIRECT HIT'...”

Referring to Ivan hitting New Orleans…

Please… Give me a break.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Drudging up a song from the recesses of my memory

Had a request for a song that I used to sing long ago. Took awhile to re-remember it all. :

By Master Veloja (?) Valoja (?) heck, I cant remember the spelling... stupid SCA names...

On Guard
Home hearth and light are far away,
While I am on guard
Women dance elsewhere and their children play
While I am on guard
Far is my city and my native home
Where the breezes I remember blow
Distant is the life I had known…

Our King has commanded so here I remain
To watch here on guard
In this small castle that guards his domain
We watch here on guard
We are a few men who have sworn here to stand
And warn our lord if someone invades his land
And hold them off here for as long as we can…

Back at home, my fair lady waits
While I am on guard
Manys the time I will recall her face
While I am on guard
Where there were two there is now only one
And so she must manage our affairs alone
And worry and watch, until I come home…

Armed foeman gather, and not far away
While I am on guard
War may be distant, or come today
While I am on guard
We’ve readied our arrows, and sharpened our swords
Though we are but few against their mighty horde
But I think we can stop them and still warn our lord…

I cannot complain for now I am back
No longer on guard
Now I enjoy all those things I did lack
While I was on guard
My friends, my companions, warmth and light come my way
I will celebrate gladly, but there’s one thing I’ll say
Pray remember those who guard us today
For home hearth and light are far away
For those who stand guard…

Ivan the worriesome

Another week, another storm…

Well, not much has gone on this past week. Went to Martin’s house to fight on Tuesday, but no fighting was to be had.
Finally got some sleep last night, as to the fact that we didn’t go anywhere and went to bed early. So overall this week has been quite dull.
Since Crown was cancelled due to rain (and another event cancelled this next weekend due to flooding) they are re-scheduling crown for Oct. 9th.
Today I get to pick up Phoenix’s new bike I ordered her for her birthday, (whoo hoo!) so maybe we will go riding tonight! God I hope Ivan doesnt hit us. I love storms, but this is getting a little silly.

Monday, September 06, 2004


Well, here I am at work…

So much for the power going. The good thing is that it’s Labor Day, so no one is calling in, yet.

Overall Frances has not really caused too much damage from what I have seen. Coming to work, I saw a couple of streets with small trees down, but for the most part, the things that would come down, already have. The oak tree in the back yard is fine, the house is fine. I couldn’t get much sleep though through the storm though, so I am a bit pooped.

The really good news is that we lasted through it without the power going out. Woo hoo!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

In the teeth of the storm

But at least the teeth are not very sharp. This is not half as bad as Charley, but its lasted all night thus far. Wind is blowing up to about 40 - 50 mph at times, enough that there is a constant rumble in the distance. I am still worried about power going out because every once and awhile we get a power flicker and hear a distant transformer fuse blow out. On the coast, they are getting hit a bit harder, the news keeps saying small boats keep washing ashore. I would think anyone in their right mind with a small boat would have pulled it out of the water. I think the worst is to come, but I don't think it will be that bad. If only it will extend till Monday, then I can get labor day off!

Friday, September 03, 2004

Fizzle... sputter... fizzle

Well, according to NOAA, the Hurricane will fizzle out to a tropical storm by the time it gets to us . That still means we will be getting a lot of rain and such, but it also means that the tree in the back yard won’t fall, and likely we will still have power. We spent a bunch of money on non-perishable food and such, and it looks like we will not need it… so maybe it will be saved for Events and fishing trips. However, it could strengthen, then turn and hit us at the last minute, so you never know…

There is a proto plan forming between Phoenix and I to go and get some shots from the beach when the outer rain bands come in. Depending on traffic I think. Saturday is supposed to be a nice day now after all.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

All hands on deck! (again)

This may be the last entry again for a bit. So I better get in what has been going on and what is going to be happening.

I have not been able to update the blog because it has been so busy here at work. I can’t wait till peak is over next month.

Frances is bearing down on us, and it is likely going to be worse then Charlie. They are expecting that we are going to get winds at least as hard as Charlie by the time it gets here, but for a much longer period of time. So, I am trying to prepare for the worse. Worse case scenario is that debris takes out some of my windows, and the tree in the back yard falls on my house, and the power goes out for a week or two. Soooo, I am going to tape the windows on the storm side, and line the screens with plastic. I am also trying to get everything in the back room in some sort of container that is water resistant in case the tree falls on the Florida room. We are putting water in the freezer so we have block ice for the food, and we are shopping tonight for non perishable food for a week and other supplies (and see if we can get some dry ice that may last into next week). I expect what will actually happen is that we will be fine, but we will lose power for another week or perhaps two. I think I am going to order some battery powered fans. This is crazy-nuts.

Crown is cancelled… go fig. Sort of disappointing, because Forgal was supposed to be coming to town. Oh well, maybe next month.

And another Posted by Hello

more pics Posted by Hello