The carport is clean and organized!
Woo hoo!
I know it’s not something that is amazing as far as world events are concerned, but hey, now we can fit the jeep completely under it. Tonight’s goal is to clean out the workroom…
This weekend should be more exciting (I hope). There is the Trimarian Memorial Tournament on Sat. which I am really trying hard to get excited about, but for some reason I really can’t. I want to fight, but I think I’d rather just go fishing, or perhaps taking a walk in the woods taking pictures, or something. I am beginning to look back at my SCA experience as a big waste of time. I do not regret the friends I have made there, or the things I have achieved, but I wonder if I put all the effort into say, making a living at something I like to do, if I would be a more complete person now. Well, no regrets… If I never did SCA, I likely would not have met Phoenix. That and in a month I’ll be all gung ho about it again. So it’s all good.
The other thing this weekend that I am much more excited about is going to Sea World! I know it must seem odd for an adult to get all excited about it, but, I do have a good time when I go there.
God I wish I had something more meaningful to say today, but I don’t…
But I do have a cool link for you:
It seems that Blogs are becoming “the thing” and this keeps track of not only people’s blogs (including mine) but also news sites, etc…