Well, still tweaking this new template and my knowledge of HTML is inadequate.
But hey it’s all good. Phoenix and I actually went to Martin’s fighter practice last night and had a good old time. Whacking and getting whacked on by Martin was much fun. Tonight we clean up the parrot’s newspapers, and hopefully do some relaxing. I can’t wait till this weekend and maybe do some fishing!!!
On another note, I really need to get some more music making into my life. There are various folks who keep talking to me about music, and have inspired me to start doing it again. What direction it will take I am not incredibly sure. I could just keep doing SCA Stuff, I could do stuff on my own and say, play at an Irish pub or something, or I could start a band… Anyone out there have any suggestions?
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

A storm just skimmed our house yesterday, and although it did not his us in full force, I went out and took some pictures of what did hit us. The sky was boiling and swirling! These pictures really cant show how cool looking it was, but seeing it in person was amazing! The thunder in the distance truly sounded like some sort of Norse drama playing itself out in the heavens.

Monday, June 28, 2004
I need a makeover!
I need a makeover.
Occasionally I look at my life and want to change some things, and I am on the edge of that now.
I think the main change will be my hair. For those of you who know me, I have hair down to the small of my back… and its driving me absolutely insane. I have given Phoenix carte blanche to decide what my hair will be like, because I really don’t care, as long as it’s no longer long… I could be bald for all I care at this point… I think high and tight and spiky, perhaps with blond tips may be what are in Phoenix’s plans, but we shall see. It seems that I have to visit her hairdresser and she is in high demand…
I think I will be riding my bike again… I miss it.
I now have a mustache and goatee; I think I’ll keep those… if I don’t pluck them out in fits of stress. ( I think Phoenix will hit me next time she sees me plucking at them, it reminds her too much of our birds plucking feathers)
I think I want to sing folk songs again… I will have to get my guitar strung up again and try it.
I want to live in Hawaii… I really do… working on that one.
I want to take more walks in the woods with Phoenix, looking for birds.
I want to go Kayaking on the ocean with Phoenix. (and fish!)
I want to wear more cargo pants, with pockets for everything, and find more cool Hawaiian shirts.
I want, I want, I want. Oi!
Occasionally I look at my life and want to change some things, and I am on the edge of that now.
I think the main change will be my hair. For those of you who know me, I have hair down to the small of my back… and its driving me absolutely insane. I have given Phoenix carte blanche to decide what my hair will be like, because I really don’t care, as long as it’s no longer long… I could be bald for all I care at this point… I think high and tight and spiky, perhaps with blond tips may be what are in Phoenix’s plans, but we shall see. It seems that I have to visit her hairdresser and she is in high demand…
I think I will be riding my bike again… I miss it.
I now have a mustache and goatee; I think I’ll keep those… if I don’t pluck them out in fits of stress. ( I think Phoenix will hit me next time she sees me plucking at them, it reminds her too much of our birds plucking feathers)
I think I want to sing folk songs again… I will have to get my guitar strung up again and try it.
I want to live in Hawaii… I really do… working on that one.
I want to take more walks in the woods with Phoenix, looking for birds.
I want to go Kayaking on the ocean with Phoenix. (and fish!)
I want to wear more cargo pants, with pockets for everything, and find more cool Hawaiian shirts.
I want, I want, I want. Oi!
Today is the first day of the rest of my life!
This weekend was a mixed bag. I have to admit, I will never ever desire or become a pelican, and likely I will never get a service award, because frankly, I only do tedious outstanding service like being troll all day, when I am suckered into it (I have no problem helping out with stuff in general but that's different). The one thing I am impressed about though is the very careful handling of the money once I was through with it. It took three people to count and recount it all, and it was all put in special bags and I was given a receipt, releasing me from responsibility from it. The pains of past problems has made the process very persnickety.
Besides having my tail glued to my chair for about 9 hours, the event went off reasonably well. The event was pretty well run, but I would like to make a comment, and in no way does this reflect on Carla, or any of the staff, or anyone else for that matter. It just diademt seem like a Known World Event . It seemed like any other SAC University I have been to. I guess all the conflicts, and lack of interest made it that way. But for what it was, it was pretty cool.
After the event, I went home and spend the rest of the day with my sweetie and da birds. Sunday we went to the Sanford flea market and stopped by the Audubon birds of prey sanctuary, which was quite impressive. They are a heal and release group, except for the ones that are permanently damaged. Their facilities were quite impressive, including a flight barn for retraining the birds to fly. Very cool.
Besides having my tail glued to my chair for about 9 hours, the event went off reasonably well. The event was pretty well run, but I would like to make a comment, and in no way does this reflect on Carla, or any of the staff, or anyone else for that matter. It just diademt seem like a Known World Event . It seemed like any other SAC University I have been to. I guess all the conflicts, and lack of interest made it that way. But for what it was, it was pretty cool.
After the event, I went home and spend the rest of the day with my sweetie and da birds. Sunday we went to the Sanford flea market and stopped by the Audubon birds of prey sanctuary, which was quite impressive. They are a heal and release group, except for the ones that are permanently damaged. Their facilities were quite impressive, including a flight barn for retraining the birds to fly. Very cool.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Bird update
Bird, bird, bird, bird is the word:
Well, here is a bird update:
Well our flock is doing ok; we have had some minor victories and defeats.
Addicus, the most care intensive seems to be doing well. We have added 3 shredded shirts to his cage and put up a roll of register tape, and he seems to love both. He seems to be picking less, though he is a big baby. Whenever we leave the room for a moment, he is screaming, but that is to be expected. He is getting more familiar with us, letting down his hair so to speak, and having fun dancing and laughing and such. The bad side of it is that he is getting a little biteier. Just this morning as I was putting him away, he bit my thumb hard enough to make me bleed. I have got to get that squirt bottle out and use it more. The other good news is that he is eating more, although not any one thing consistently. Picky picky picky.
Mrs. Zorah is flying now, and has picked up the habit of flying onto poor Adonis’s cage, because it is fare more interesting then hers, much to Adonis’s chagrin. He seems irritated about it sometimes, but she is now as big as he is (and she’s a Timneh… goes to show what a runt he is of a Congo) and he tends to back down when she asserts herself. Otherwise we are down to one hand feeding a day and she is eating her own food like mad. Its about time to get her own full size cage, probably next month when more money comes in.
Buddi is not doing much. He is eating like a pig, and most anything we give him. He is not incredibly social, but he talks quite a bit. Found an interesting behavioral quirk that he has the other day. When I bring my magnetic security card near him, he follows it around like a zombie… when I stop it, he will actually let me scratch his neck, but prefers the card scratching his neck even more. We tried this with some other magnets, and it worked just as well. We went ahead and got him a magnetic perch and he loves it. Sometimes he will just go in his cage and hang out on it.
Adonis is the one having problems right now. With all the new birds in the house, he is a bit stressed and has started clipping again. We paid lots of attention to him last night and he seemed to have a good time (he is the talker with the most vocabulary so far) so we are watching him as much as we can. We have put some rags and extra toys in his cage, and hopefully it will help.
Well, still need some Congo females and a male Timneh… egad. I cant imagine the ruckus with 6 or 7 birds total. Not to mention all the babies!
Well, here is a bird update:
Well our flock is doing ok; we have had some minor victories and defeats.
Addicus, the most care intensive seems to be doing well. We have added 3 shredded shirts to his cage and put up a roll of register tape, and he seems to love both. He seems to be picking less, though he is a big baby. Whenever we leave the room for a moment, he is screaming, but that is to be expected. He is getting more familiar with us, letting down his hair so to speak, and having fun dancing and laughing and such. The bad side of it is that he is getting a little biteier. Just this morning as I was putting him away, he bit my thumb hard enough to make me bleed. I have got to get that squirt bottle out and use it more. The other good news is that he is eating more, although not any one thing consistently. Picky picky picky.
Mrs. Zorah is flying now, and has picked up the habit of flying onto poor Adonis’s cage, because it is fare more interesting then hers, much to Adonis’s chagrin. He seems irritated about it sometimes, but she is now as big as he is (and she’s a Timneh… goes to show what a runt he is of a Congo) and he tends to back down when she asserts herself. Otherwise we are down to one hand feeding a day and she is eating her own food like mad. Its about time to get her own full size cage, probably next month when more money comes in.
Buddi is not doing much. He is eating like a pig, and most anything we give him. He is not incredibly social, but he talks quite a bit. Found an interesting behavioral quirk that he has the other day. When I bring my magnetic security card near him, he follows it around like a zombie… when I stop it, he will actually let me scratch his neck, but prefers the card scratching his neck even more. We tried this with some other magnets, and it worked just as well. We went ahead and got him a magnetic perch and he loves it. Sometimes he will just go in his cage and hang out on it.
Adonis is the one having problems right now. With all the new birds in the house, he is a bit stressed and has started clipping again. We paid lots of attention to him last night and he seemed to have a good time (he is the talker with the most vocabulary so far) so we are watching him as much as we can. We have put some rags and extra toys in his cage, and hopefully it will help.
Well, still need some Congo females and a male Timneh… egad. I cant imagine the ruckus with 6 or 7 birds total. Not to mention all the babies!
Its called fishing... If it was called catching, it would be a lot more productive.
Sorry I have been quiet for a few days, been busy… Or lazy, or something…
This weekend was quite a lot of fun. Saturday was a shopping day, and we picked up a cheap surf casting rod, and Sunday we went fishing out by New Smyrna Beach. Now mind you it was more of an exercise in getting wet and having fun then serious fishing. Not knowing exactly where to go to fish exactly, we tried it some on the main beach, and then we headed out closer to the jetties where we heard the fish were biting.
I have to admit, that New Smyrna beach overall is one of the flattest places I have ever tried to fish on the beach. No sandbar to cast to, no nothing, just plain flat hard compact sand. So we went in about waist deep (with the occasional wave smacking us head high) and had a ball just trying to stand up and hook bait. There seemed to be a lot of bites, but not a lot of catching at first. We bought some of those new “blood hooks” (i.e. red plated hooks) some G’s and some normal. The G’s were a bit too big for what was biting, but I did catch a small shark (about a foot long or so). We switched to the smaller hooks and Phoenix caught a small whiting and I caught a spot. Nothing amazing, but we had a lot of fun doing it. We were thrown out of the water (well I take that back, when we changed locations, we couldn’t go in) because there were thunderstorms raging in the area (it was raining, but hey we were wet already…) On the way to the jetty, we spotted a huge tortuous at the part we had to go though (well about 3 foot diameter.. not huge, but bigger then I have ever seen in the wild). The lightning was spectacular, but little did I know the show I would get later would be even better.
Eventually we petered out and Phoenix’s Catheter for her insulin pump slipped out into the water. Yipe! No back up, so it was time to go home ASAP. We figured that she would be fine as long as she didn’t get stressed about it on the way home, giving her a high blood sugar. Well, here we are sprinting on I-4, when we run into a wall of water. If it was any harder, it would have been sheets instead of raindrops. The lighting was hitting on either side of the road less then a mile away from us or so, and hitting every 30 seconds. Did I mention Phoenix is freaked out by lightning… as well as slow drivers? Well it petered out a bit, then hit us just as hard again about 5 minutes later, and poor Phoenix was in tears. Well, we got through it, and after it all, Phoenix pipes up with “Hey! That was fun!” I had to laugh. Kind of like that time she had her first ride on the Kracken at Sea World, she almost had a panic attack in line, screamed her head off in the ride, and thought it was great afterwards. She is so much fun to be with! *grin*
Well, we made it home safe, and this week is another week. KWAS is this weekend, and I am still not sure what I need to do, if anything, if I even need to show up etc. I guess I should call Carla. I am reservationists after all (well the figurehead… not that we have had many reservations). As a known world event, I think this is going to be a bomb ( less then 25 reservations), but as a collegium, I think it will be fine.
This weekend was quite a lot of fun. Saturday was a shopping day, and we picked up a cheap surf casting rod, and Sunday we went fishing out by New Smyrna Beach. Now mind you it was more of an exercise in getting wet and having fun then serious fishing. Not knowing exactly where to go to fish exactly, we tried it some on the main beach, and then we headed out closer to the jetties where we heard the fish were biting.
I have to admit, that New Smyrna beach overall is one of the flattest places I have ever tried to fish on the beach. No sandbar to cast to, no nothing, just plain flat hard compact sand. So we went in about waist deep (with the occasional wave smacking us head high) and had a ball just trying to stand up and hook bait. There seemed to be a lot of bites, but not a lot of catching at first. We bought some of those new “blood hooks” (i.e. red plated hooks) some G’s and some normal. The G’s were a bit too big for what was biting, but I did catch a small shark (about a foot long or so). We switched to the smaller hooks and Phoenix caught a small whiting and I caught a spot. Nothing amazing, but we had a lot of fun doing it. We were thrown out of the water (well I take that back, when we changed locations, we couldn’t go in) because there were thunderstorms raging in the area (it was raining, but hey we were wet already…) On the way to the jetty, we spotted a huge tortuous at the part we had to go though (well about 3 foot diameter.. not huge, but bigger then I have ever seen in the wild). The lightning was spectacular, but little did I know the show I would get later would be even better.
Eventually we petered out and Phoenix’s Catheter for her insulin pump slipped out into the water. Yipe! No back up, so it was time to go home ASAP. We figured that she would be fine as long as she didn’t get stressed about it on the way home, giving her a high blood sugar. Well, here we are sprinting on I-4, when we run into a wall of water. If it was any harder, it would have been sheets instead of raindrops. The lighting was hitting on either side of the road less then a mile away from us or so, and hitting every 30 seconds. Did I mention Phoenix is freaked out by lightning… as well as slow drivers? Well it petered out a bit, then hit us just as hard again about 5 minutes later, and poor Phoenix was in tears. Well, we got through it, and after it all, Phoenix pipes up with “Hey! That was fun!” I had to laugh. Kind of like that time she had her first ride on the Kracken at Sea World, she almost had a panic attack in line, screamed her head off in the ride, and thought it was great afterwards. She is so much fun to be with! *grin*
Well, we made it home safe, and this week is another week. KWAS is this weekend, and I am still not sure what I need to do, if anything, if I even need to show up etc. I guess I should call Carla. I am reservationists after all (well the figurehead… not that we have had many reservations). As a known world event, I think this is going to be a bomb ( less then 25 reservations), but as a collegium, I think it will be fine.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Hits, and more screwed up government
Well, been looking at my blog stats, and it seems I am getting quite a few hits from someone at duke.edu. Not to mention a hit or two from Eastern Europe, south Asia and possibly England. I figure all the aol ones are my favorite aunt, Aunt Dean, but the rest are too general to figure out. I am not getting any comments (well I got one from a cool parrot breeder who was asking about Buddi) so I must not be that interesting
Maybe I need to put more gossip on my page
If you like a post, or want to comment on a post, click on comments!
Speaking of gossip, did you know you can be arrested in this state and held for 30 days without charge for certain offences? Boy there must be a Bush in charge of this state.
Speaking of gossip, did you know you can be arrested in this state and held for 30 days without charge for certain offences? Boy there must be a Bush in charge of this state.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Just singing in the rain!
Well, what has been going on lately?
Well its been raining quite a bit lately, and of course I love it! Florida rain has the wonderful quality of having that tropical feel to it, meaning really big raindrops coming straight down hard. Not to mention the firework show that we get with each storm. It is so awe inspiring for me to look up and see the boiling of the sky before a storm. I really should have taken Meteorology in college instead of Anthropology. It would have been much cooler to be a storm chaser. Oh well, maybe next lifetime
The birds have been doing fairly well. Addicus is plucking less, Buddi has turned into a little piggy eating lots of routybush, Adonis is a little less sulky, and Zorah is turning into a beautiful little girl. She is now stepping up on her own and is only getting handfed twice a day. She is doing her flapping exercises and she is so dark, she almost looks like a little hawk Very cool. Addicus is very amusing, but Zorah is capturing my heart. I really dont want to clip her because a whole bird is a happy bird But there is the danger of her flying away Well, I might try to find a harness for her
What else is going on? Might go fishing this weekend Definitely need to get the Jeeps brakes looked at as they are squeaking. Want to go camping, but its hard when you have kids *grin*. We definitely need to find a good babysitter.
Did I mention how cool Phoenix is? She feeds all these monsters!
Well its been raining quite a bit lately, and of course I love it! Florida rain has the wonderful quality of having that tropical feel to it, meaning really big raindrops coming straight down hard. Not to mention the firework show that we get with each storm. It is so awe inspiring for me to look up and see the boiling of the sky before a storm. I really should have taken Meteorology in college instead of Anthropology. It would have been much cooler to be a storm chaser. Oh well, maybe next lifetime
The birds have been doing fairly well. Addicus is plucking less, Buddi has turned into a little piggy eating lots of routybush, Adonis is a little less sulky, and Zorah is turning into a beautiful little girl. She is now stepping up on her own and is only getting handfed twice a day. She is doing her flapping exercises and she is so dark, she almost looks like a little hawk Very cool. Addicus is very amusing, but Zorah is capturing my heart. I really dont want to clip her because a whole bird is a happy bird But there is the danger of her flying away Well, I might try to find a harness for her
What else is going on? Might go fishing this weekend Definitely need to get the Jeeps brakes looked at as they are squeaking. Want to go camping, but its hard when you have kids *grin*. We definitely need to find a good babysitter.
Did I mention how cool Phoenix is? She feeds all these monsters!
Friday, June 11, 2004
Well, today has been a Friday that has dragged on and on...
Well, Addicus the Cockatoo is a very cuddly odd little bird... Wont eat as much as we would like, but at least he is plucking less then he was. He is overall a very sweet bird. We think we got an age for him of 8 years old. He has the cutest little happy dance, it is sooooo funny! He has shown signs of being a typical three year old... when we leave the room for over five minutes, he does that ear piercing Cockatoo scream that sounds like he is being eaten by a hawk... It scared the pants off of Phoenix when she first heard it, but luckily I had been warned about that. I cant wait till his feathers come back, he is going to be such a pretty bird in about a year or so... Buddi is also opening up alot. He is talking a lot more, and stealing all of Adonis's repetoire. Zorah is looking beautifull! She is beginning to do flap practice and all her feathers are coming in. She is a sexy little bird. We are down to two feedings a day with her now, as she is refusing formula... She is digging into the pellets, so I dont think weaning is going to be that big of a deal.
Well, Addicus the Cockatoo is a very cuddly odd little bird... Wont eat as much as we would like, but at least he is plucking less then he was. He is overall a very sweet bird. We think we got an age for him of 8 years old. He has the cutest little happy dance, it is sooooo funny! He has shown signs of being a typical three year old... when we leave the room for over five minutes, he does that ear piercing Cockatoo scream that sounds like he is being eaten by a hawk... It scared the pants off of Phoenix when she first heard it, but luckily I had been warned about that. I cant wait till his feathers come back, he is going to be such a pretty bird in about a year or so... Buddi is also opening up alot. He is talking a lot more, and stealing all of Adonis's repetoire. Zorah is looking beautifull! She is beginning to do flap practice and all her feathers are coming in. She is a sexy little bird. We are down to two feedings a day with her now, as she is refusing formula... She is digging into the pellets, so I dont think weaning is going to be that big of a deal.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
The right wing is the one true God, and Ronald Reagan is his prophet
The right wing is the one true God, and Ronald Reagan is his prophet…
Ok, not really. Looking back at Reagan’s policies, they actually are more moderate then you might think… While he did great tax cuts for folks like you and me, he raised corporate taxes to the highest level in history, He saved social security (which the current group of Republicans are trying to destroy) and while he was against abortion rights, he never actually did anything about it.
But that’s not what inspired my title. This morning on the news, I saw something eerie… There was Reagan’s casket, covered in an American flag, surrounded by flowers, and people viewed the casket by walking in two circles around the perimeter of the room. It reminded me of Muslims circling around the tomb of Mohammed on haj. What odd symbolism we have considering the times…
Ok, not really. Looking back at Reagan’s policies, they actually are more moderate then you might think… While he did great tax cuts for folks like you and me, he raised corporate taxes to the highest level in history, He saved social security (which the current group of Republicans are trying to destroy) and while he was against abortion rights, he never actually did anything about it.
But that’s not what inspired my title. This morning on the news, I saw something eerie… There was Reagan’s casket, covered in an American flag, surrounded by flowers, and people viewed the casket by walking in two circles around the perimeter of the room. It reminded me of Muslims circling around the tomb of Mohammed on haj. What odd symbolism we have considering the times…
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Well, being the web maniac that I am, I searched for some more info that we need to rehab this cockatoo... egad, I didn't know these birds were so hard to keep! But its all good... We just need to put a lot of TLC on this bird. There is a great site http://www.mytoos.com/ that goes over all the disadvantages to having a Cockatoo own you... *sigh* I think we have all the requirements except the unhand cash... I am not sure breeding Cockatoos is ethically sound given that they are so easily messed up. I suppose it might be, but I would think that as a breeder, one would make sure that the person buying the bird has the time, money, space and desire to care for such a wonderful bird. Well... Now I am thinking that converting the sun room into an aviary might not be such a bad idea. But we need a shed for all the stuff in the back room! LOL... work work work work....
Addicus the fluffy
Well, yesterday we got our first real project bird, and his name is Addicus (see picture below). Its this sort of thing that really breaks my heart. He is the sweetest bird I have ever encountered, but he is so torn up it almost brings you to tears. Its not just the picking (or the shock of seeing one of his flight feathers fall off spontaniously), but despite being one of the biggest umbrella cockatoos I have ever seen, he is as thin as a rail. He seems happy now, but the poor thing is still picking, and is not eating. He was eating seed at the store, so we mixed in seed and routybush (along with all the other goodies we feed the rest of the birds: carrots, broccoli, grapes, apples, etc.) but the only thing we have seen him eat is watermelon and cheese (*sigh* sounds like my college days). Needless to say we are a bit worried, and a trip to the vet is in the future, but we got to get him eating now. Phoenix is going to try to talk to the previous owner to see what he will eat, and going to get some proper cockatoo food (Larger pellets I guess…) If not , Phoenix may start hand feeding baby formula to him.
Otherwise, he is happy… He was up on the perch with wings spread last night dancing back and forth chirping away… what a sweetheart. I hope he likes his new home!
Otherwise, he is happy… He was up on the perch with wings spread last night dancing back and forth chirping away… what a sweetheart. I hope he likes his new home!
Monday, June 07, 2004
Lovely Weekend!
A lovely weekend! Just lovely!
Had a very nice weekend this past few days. We didn’t actually do a lot, some housecleaning and such, but mostly getting used to our new African Grey Buddi. The background on this bird is quite sketchy, but he is a cool bird none the less. It came about that Phoenix got this bird from its owner because the owner got a job traveling and just didn’t have time to spend with him, so he ended up at the shop being kenneled more then not. In a fit of guilt, the owner asked Phoenix if she would take him, and Phoenix said heck ya! (Well ok, it was approximately something like that). The former owner said that the bird was four years old or so, but she found the bird walking down the road one day, so we expect he is quite older. He is much bigger then Adonis, and has an odd beak (looks like the nose on a mob thug in my opinion) He was on an all seed diet, so his feathers (as you can see in the photo) are a bit worn and yucky, but we are getting him on routybush and going to be giving him Vitamin supplement. The big news this weekend is that we are going to be getting another bird from the boarding room, a huge (and I mean huge for even this bird) Umbrella Cockatoo. He has been in the back of the store, and has plucked all his feathers except down and head feathers. We are going to pick him up today, along with a new cage or two, a huge one for him and a larger cage for Buddi. We will have to get one for Zorah eventually, but not for another month or so. (Cages are expensive! What a racket! Even making them out of wire myself isn’t as cheap as it should be!)
Speaking of cages, we were kicking around an idea for a bird boarding business… Need a lot more cages for that!
Birds birds birds birds! OY!
Stopped by Martin’s late Sat. and helped him put together his spiff new all oak bar table… (very nice), hit the flea market looking for deals (seedless watermelon for $1.50 was this week’s find) completely revamped the bird room and the living room to make more room for more cages, put collars on our cats and introduced them to the great outdoors (talk about freaked out cats! But hey, there are too many birds around for them to be underfoot). Watched Master and Commander on TV, and of course Law and Order once or twice
Not a bad weekend at all…
Had a very nice weekend this past few days. We didn’t actually do a lot, some housecleaning and such, but mostly getting used to our new African Grey Buddi. The background on this bird is quite sketchy, but he is a cool bird none the less. It came about that Phoenix got this bird from its owner because the owner got a job traveling and just didn’t have time to spend with him, so he ended up at the shop being kenneled more then not. In a fit of guilt, the owner asked Phoenix if she would take him, and Phoenix said heck ya! (Well ok, it was approximately something like that). The former owner said that the bird was four years old or so, but she found the bird walking down the road one day, so we expect he is quite older. He is much bigger then Adonis, and has an odd beak (looks like the nose on a mob thug in my opinion) He was on an all seed diet, so his feathers (as you can see in the photo) are a bit worn and yucky, but we are getting him on routybush and going to be giving him Vitamin supplement. The big news this weekend is that we are going to be getting another bird from the boarding room, a huge (and I mean huge for even this bird) Umbrella Cockatoo. He has been in the back of the store, and has plucked all his feathers except down and head feathers. We are going to pick him up today, along with a new cage or two, a huge one for him and a larger cage for Buddi. We will have to get one for Zorah eventually, but not for another month or so. (Cages are expensive! What a racket! Even making them out of wire myself isn’t as cheap as it should be!)
Speaking of cages, we were kicking around an idea for a bird boarding business… Need a lot more cages for that!
Birds birds birds birds! OY!
Stopped by Martin’s late Sat. and helped him put together his spiff new all oak bar table… (very nice), hit the flea market looking for deals (seedless watermelon for $1.50 was this week’s find) completely revamped the bird room and the living room to make more room for more cages, put collars on our cats and introduced them to the great outdoors (talk about freaked out cats! But hey, there are too many birds around for them to be underfoot). Watched Master and Commander on TV, and of course Law and Order once or twice
Not a bad weekend at all…
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Boy yesterday really sucked. We hit our record at work in taking calls. We were over 500 by the time I left and boy I was burned out. I have been getting headaches lately at work, probably eye strain. Maybe Ill start staring at the keyboard more *grin*
It is nice going home to my Phoenix at least.
Tried to feed the little bird last night again and boy I suck at feeding birds. I managed to get her fed, but it seems that I am too slow in getting it down her throat, and I don’t hold her right, etc. Maybe I will just clean up the cage and let Phoenix do the feedings… I hope we can get some breeders so we can start selling birds.
One of the things I didn’t like about the bird show, is that there are so many breeders that dont seem to be doing things right. There are the obviously abusive ones (one poor macaw was screaming the whole day, freaked out of its mind because the breeder was so bad in raising the thing) but even some of the more well meaning ones were not quite on the ball. The bird we got, the breeder was only feeding 30cc of food 3 times a day. We continued on this course, and the poor thing was starving. We looked up feeding for African Greys, and they suggested 5 feedings a day at her age! Oy!
Well it makes it now we cant leave the house to do anything without bringing the baby, so we are pretty much stuck at home for the next month or so (unless we bring the baby)
I guess this is practice for a real baby someday.
On other news, I hear my ex (stitch) has gone absolutely loonie…
It is nice going home to my Phoenix at least.
Tried to feed the little bird last night again and boy I suck at feeding birds. I managed to get her fed, but it seems that I am too slow in getting it down her throat, and I don’t hold her right, etc. Maybe I will just clean up the cage and let Phoenix do the feedings… I hope we can get some breeders so we can start selling birds.
One of the things I didn’t like about the bird show, is that there are so many breeders that dont seem to be doing things right. There are the obviously abusive ones (one poor macaw was screaming the whole day, freaked out of its mind because the breeder was so bad in raising the thing) but even some of the more well meaning ones were not quite on the ball. The bird we got, the breeder was only feeding 30cc of food 3 times a day. We continued on this course, and the poor thing was starving. We looked up feeding for African Greys, and they suggested 5 feedings a day at her age! Oy!
Well it makes it now we cant leave the house to do anything without bringing the baby, so we are pretty much stuck at home for the next month or so (unless we bring the baby)
I guess this is practice for a real baby someday.
On other news, I hear my ex (stitch) has gone absolutely loonie…
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