Thursday, July 29, 2004

al Qaeda VIP captured, as predicted

Top al Qaeda VIP captured

As predicted before. There were several news articles saying that the Bush administration was pushing Pakistan to capture either Osama or another al-Qaeda VIP in or around the DNC in boston, to draw off attention.



Weekend plans…

            Sunday is kingdom war practice, and I do want to go this time. I want to get my new chest plate done before hand. So Saturday may be a quick trip to Sea World in the morning, and spend the rest of the day cleaning out the bird cages and working on armor.

However blowing it all off to go fishing would be very nice.

Well, the U.S., as is usual, is finally calling what’s going on in the Sudan genocide, and is slowly gearing up the U.N. to condemn it. Like that’s going to do anything in the short term, or save lives. The reports from there are terrifying, people getting slaughtered, women and children raped while the Arab women sing in support if it while it happens. Very sad situation if you ask me, to bad Bush didn’t do any “pre-emptive” measures there…


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Todays moment of Zen. Posted by Hello

Rain... go fig.

            No practice last night because of rain, so it’s been rescheduled for Thursday. At least it gives me time to make a new gorget, because I am forsaking my coif now. I really really like my new helmet. The only problem is that it’s so nice, I need the rest of my armor to be nice to go with it. God I’m so vain at times.

            Watched The Daily show with Jon Stewart at the DNC last night, and rolled around laughing. I can’t wait to see it tonight.

            Today is another virus day. My Doom O. This was fluttering about on Friday and Monday, but people are annoying about it today. They all call in and want to read me the email. After about two words, I repeat it back to them from memory. Then they want to blame me because “Well, it came from you, so of course I opened the attachment”. *sigh* Morons. Ok, maybe not morons, just hiding under a rock because it’s been in the news, and in there have been emails sent warning about this issue.

            Ugh, enough for now. More news as it happens.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Why cheesecake?

When I open my blog, up at the top is the annoying google ad, that is supposedly targeted at the blog's content to sell stuff. It wants to sell me cheesecake. Why cheesecake? Now mind you I love cheesecake (especially vanilla bean cheesecake, with lots of real whip cream), but what possesses google to advertise cheesecake on my blog? Are you getting the same thing? Let me know, I am curious!

Today's moment of Zen Posted by Hello Books: The Life of Mohammed by George Bush Books: The Life of Mohammed -- Yet another proof God exists, and knows the future! How funny!

MY WAR - Fear And Loathing In Iraq

MY WAR - Fear And Loathing In Iraq This is a great war blog from Iraq. Gives some good perspective.

We'll Rant and we'll roar...

Well, the DNC is in full spring, and boy I am so excited----- NOT!

Rant alert!

I wish my party would be a little more exciting. Or make a platform that was a little more what I want to see, but I think that would be difficult. Pro – Choice, Pro-Gun, Pro-Environment, Anti-oil, Pro-gay marriage (geeze man, can’t government just leave these folks alone?), Pro- space exploration, Pro-stem cell research, Pro-genetic mods (but with careful regulation on environmental effects),  Pro-corporate regulation, Pro-Political Funding reform, Anti – whaling, Anti – Bush, pro-fiscal responsibility, pro- getting our troops home from Iraq, etc…

And well the only thing I see from the democrats these days is the Anti – Bush part, for certain. I swear, I like some of the republican ideals, like some of what John McCain has to say, but my God, the Bush white house is crazy! *sigh* I think I am more anti-neo conservative the anti Republican. If you look at it in a certain light, Bush is the most Liberal president we have had in quite some time. Here is the definition of Conservatism out of Webster’s dictionary:

a : a disposition in politics to preserve what is established b : a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change

So, what part of this does Bush Jr do? Pre-emptive military strikes are certainly not a conservative way of thinking, containment is. The patriot act is certainly not “preserving” our rights as citizens. He wants to change Social Security, a huge established institution. Environmental protection has been a stressed since Nixon, (a Republican by the way) and he has done more to dismantle environmental regulation then any president this century! Ok, ok… deceiving the public is certainly a well established institution, so in that way, I’ll give him points. So is being owned by corporate interests.

Bush – Right wing Liberal…

Enough of ranting…

I am all ready for practice tonight. I got my new helmet all padded up, and took the chain off, and it is way spiff. It’s so light I am not going to know what to do with myself! And as soon as I get the scale done, I am going to have quite the spiff harness. I hope I can get it done by the next event. That and get in shape to kick some tail.

Well, back to work for me…

Monday, July 26, 2004

Need me some links

Hey, I am going to see if I can put some blog links on my side bar here. If you read me, and you would like to be posted, please leave your addy in the comments section ------ -----------------------------------------------------V-here-V.

And another weekend bites the dust.

Go see the Bourne Supremacy. You’ll like it. It is even better then the first movie.

Well, the wheel spins round, and I’m interested in astrology again. Go fig.

Got the house cleaned this weekend (well Phoenix got the house cleaned… I cleaned the birds room) , went to Martian’s daughter’s birthday party.

That’s about at really. More as it happens.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Its Friday!

It’s Friday! Yes it’s Friday!

Hootie hoo!!!!!

And it’s again too busy here at work to be Friday. People need to not worry so much on Friday and leave it till Monday!

But it’s all good. Soon I will be out of here and into the arms of my lady love. Tonight, I think we will go see the Bourne Supremacy. I loved the Bourne Identity, and I have high hopes for this one as well. As far as this weekend is concerned, we are going to do some house cleanup, and I think we are going to check out the Sanford flea market again. The Sanford flea market is interesting, but every time we go, we kind of haphazardly meander, which is very much against my shopping grain. This time, Phoenix suggested we do a systematic search of the place, covering every single spot. Whoo hoo! Says I!

As far as the house clean up is concerned, I am hoping to find more interesting things to sell on ebay for the great Hawaii trip, and finish my scale armor and pad my helmet. Not to mention clearing up the slow shower drain problem, mop the floors, and maybe even clean out my closet.

Or a nice mid day nap might be in order too.

Sunday we have gotten an invite to go to the Dolphin Hotel at Disney for drinks. I like that idea too!!!

Yahoo! News - 'Rogue waves' reported by mariners get scientific backing

Yahoo! News - 'Rogue waves' reported by mariners get scientific backing

Rogue waves!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

First is one of the pictures of the apartment buildings right on the edge of the park. Would love to live there, but the $1400+ month rent puts a little cramp on that plan. Posted by Hello

And next here is a shot of one of the resident swans Posted by Hello

And last here is a picture of one of the churches right off Lake Eola park Posted by Hello

Todays moment of Zen... Posted by Hello

Walking in the moonlight

Last night, after putting the birds to bed, Phoenix and I went out to Lake Eola and walked arm in arm around the lake. Of all the cities I have lived in, I must admit that Orlando’s downtown area is really one of the best. Its clean, there are a lot of cool clubs, restaurants and shops to go in, and the town is really fairly pretty. Well, as I said, we walked around the lake arm in arm and taking pictures along the way of the fountain, the swans, and the impromptu drum session that was going on in one corner of the park. I hope to post them tonight. I like Orlando. I really do. The only part I don’t like is all the pan handlers in town, but it is an American city, that is to be expected.
            It was good to be with Phoenix and see her smile. There are few things that make me happy in this world, and that is one of them. We walked around town a bit and stopped by the Public Library, where they have a light sculpture where you can hit buttons and make the lights light up and musical tones ring. If you hit the right combination, the whole thing freaks out and flashes and sings and makes quite a spectacle. I love it. So did Phoenix, smiling like a little girl and clapping when it happens. It is funny how such simple little things can make you happy. Watching her experience something new (like that), when her eyes light up and she smiles, it almost makes me cry with joy.
            The birds are doing fine. Not much to say about them really. Zora has taken a taste for milk and keeps trying to hijack it from my morning cereal (at the same time Addicus tries to grab the cereal itself). Everyone is getting very talkative to each other, but the actual verbalization of human words is way outnumbered by chirps and whistles and cell phone impersonations. Oh yea, I forgot. Addicus has taken to humping your hand… figures, the one we don’t want to breed is the most randy.


Posted by Hello
     Ok, who is looking at my blog from National Louis? Sometime close to midnight last night went through NL’s Citrix server and looked at my blog through it. Likely my bet is someone did it from work, but why go through Citrix? Someone is making me paranoid!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Lance gets spitted on by the French

Poor, Poor Franks. Not very sporting are they?
No good at soccer either...

And here is your daily moment of zen... Posted by Hello

For Today's Amusement: The Chewbacca Defense

Johnnie Cochran:

Ladies and gentlemen of the supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider: (pulling down a diagram of Chewie) this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense! (jury looks shocked)
Why would a Wookiee -- an eight foot tall Wookiee -- want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!
But more importantly, you have to ask yourself: what does that have to do with this case? (calmly) Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense!
Look at me, I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca. Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense. None of this makes sense.
And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation... does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense.
It does not make sense. If Chewbacca does not make sense, you must acquit!
(pulling a monkey out of his pocket) Here, look at the monkey. Look at the silly monkey! (one of the juror's heads explodes)

Well, some good news and bad news.

First the bad. Today it was brought to my attention that one of the desktop support managers at one of the schools we serve was unhappy that I sent in a ticket without enough detail:
(user)Can’t get computer to start up, IT takes forever to boot, then hangs up.
The desktop manager at the school could not decipher this simple sentence fragment. Now I will admit I made a typo capitalizing both letters in “it”, which this person interpreted that there is something wrong with the IT dept. Then in his infinite wisdom, he interpreted the last part was that the modem hangs up, instead of the computer locking up. I know this individual is getting paid more then I am, again convincing me that with exceptions (like my boss Todd, my God, that guy knows everything {and I am not brown nosing here, he never reads this blog}) that the less you actually know about what you are doing in IT, the higher position you are likely to hold.  
The good news is that I took more calls then everyone else here in June. Go me! Don’t applaud, just throw money.
Well, its back to surfing. Got to find a funny picture for today.

Sprint Sucks!

You know, Sprint sucks…
We have been having internet connectivity issues here at work since 6pm yesterday, and our admins have been talking to sprint since it started. Only now (10am) has Sprint admitted that there is something wrong on their end, and its effecting things in a large area *sigh*. There is a reason I dropped their cell service. Oh look, its back up! Better post this before it goes down again!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Picture of the day: Karate Cat! Posted by Hello

Bagle Pathology

Well, today is Bagle virus day. It seems there is another virus in the wild affecting computers, making my life more difficult. I do wish they would come up with more spectacular names for virii, like say, “silicon death adder”, or say “Microsoftbane”. It would be better then something I want to spread cream cheese or lox on. Well yesterday, I had more hits to this silly blog then I have had in a while (12 hits yesterday!), and I would like to thank all of you who read my weblog for making this such a wonderful success (sniff… sniff…) I love you guys!
            There is another update on “how to get to Niall’s blog”. Another anonymous user has blundered their way onto the site by going through MSN search and inputting “armor plated catfish pictures florida”. I don’t know why, but my blog has gotten quite a bit of attention in the search engines, many times putting me on the first page for some really strange searches. Well, I guess I can’t complain.
            Well, what is on the agenda for this week? I hope to actually start posting some songs with some sound bytes connected to them (I think I will start with Peasant Knight), fighter practice tonight, and need to determine what to do this weekend. Anyone have any suggestions? Put it in the comments section below! 

Monday, July 19, 2004

Picture of the day Posted by Hello

Other strange searches

It continues to amuse me how people use search engines to get to my website. This weekend I got two interesting hits from google, the first being "replacement chinstrap talker" and the other "CrossBows Saxons Authur".
Well, I see someone else may have been incredulous to the fact they gave the Saxons (or fur clad barbarians, that somewhat resembled nordic mongols) crossbows in the 5th C. , in the new King Arthor movie...

Does this sound familiar?

Doing some catching!

Well, this weekend was a lot of fun, till Sunday arrived.

               Phoenix and I decided to try a new spot out to go catching (yes this time it was catching, not just fishing), at the Canaveral National Seashore, and wow! What a great beach! Not an amazing amount of people there, nice weather, nice beach, nice waves, very cool. We woke up stupid early, and got out there by about 7:30am and caught a good picture of the sun over the water. We planted our poles and chairs, dug up some sand fleas and a few minnows with the cast net, and proceeded to get a nice tan and enjoy the day. We caught 3 whiting and a catfish during the day, but the bad news was that when we took a lunch break, we went to Subway (did I mention that Phoenix is getting addicted to subway), and our tackle box was either lost or stolen, which was a bummer, but we had enough to keep fishing, and we went out had had fun playing in the waves (the water was amazingly nice and cool). Rain came into the picture right after lunch, and poured all around us, but did not hit us directly. It was amazing, you could see the launch towers from Canaveral, but when the rain came, one of them disappeared! But we were blessed with good weather, and caught 4 fish, three whiting and one catfish. I can’t wait to go again next time!

             Sunday on the other hand was miserable. Somehow my back got out of whack on Saturday, and I was in pain and bed bound on Sunday. I got all drugged up, which was almost as bad as the pain, and had pretty much a terrible day. Phoenix was a darling and helped me through the day and cleaned up after the birds all on her own.   Well on to the pictures!

Here is the look over the water at about 8am or so. It was absolutely wonderful! Posted by Hello

Here is one of the launch towers you can see from the beach Posted by Hello

Here is one of the storms that was forming around us, but never actually hit us. Posted by Hello

And last, here is me in the water fishing and keeping cool! Posted by Hello

Friday, July 16, 2004

I’m a little stress bubble today!

Not enough people covering here at work, so it makes for an unpleasant stressful Friday, but hey what can you do. Tomorrow at this time, I will be on the beach in the sun trying my best to catch a fish or two, waist deep in the water having a ball.
Found something disturbing on my blog webstats the other day, and I cant stop thinking about it for some reason. Someone came to visit my weblog through doing the following search on yahoo: “how do I buy a live dolphin”.  I wonder why this person wants a live dolphin? Are they mad, or just stupid? Oh well, I don’t think I will ever know.
I have been adding links from funny news and things I find on the web, and I hope this amuses folks, because it certainly amuses me! And I like sharing a laugh or two.
Well, I will try to find another template I like and get it posted, so people can leave better comments to my posts then just the tag board. Not to mention I am bored of this one already.
Well, back to work!

The diffence between Fantasy and Politics

I found a funny write up today about the DNC and a Sci Fi con, both going on in Boston:
 This year's World Science Fiction Convention is in Boston, and accordingly, the URL for the con is By a funny coincidence, the Democratic National Convention is also in Boston, and its URL is The inevitable confusion is quite humorous -- the organisers of the WorldCon have compiled a list of ways in which the WorldCon is unlike the DNC:

# We're not $10 million over budget. We don't even have a $10 million budget.

# Our promises for the future are supposed to be fiction.
# You don't have to donate thousands of dollars to us (though we wouldn't complain)—we'll give you a high-level appointment to work for us for free!
# The media will not outnumber the attendees.
# Thoats and banthas are more interesting animals than donkeys and elephants.
# The folks wandering around with walkie-talkies are likely to be helpful and friendly.
# The slogans on our buttons are actually funny, and many of them are about cats.
# No one will be kissing babies except their immediate families and friends.
# When we talk about "skull and bones" it's probably in a discussion about paleontology.
# When we sling mud, it's probably in a workshop on making alien pottery.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Boring Boring Day!

Boring boring day.

Work is slow, news is slow, and I am bored out of my freaking gourd.
A co worker of mine got mildly miffed on her blog at the fact that I sound like a five year old on the phone when I talk to Phoenix with all the lovey dovey stuff, admonishing me to grow up and not be so co-dependant. It actually got me thinking about it… for about 3 seconds before I guffawed in laughter. Better co-dependant, in love and sickeningly sweet then unhappy and lonely I say! I have to admit, I am a much happier man with Phoenix then without, and I plan to keep it that way (figuring I am going to marry her after all!)
Speaking of having fun, I am still trying to determine where to go fishing this weekend. Phoenix wants to try somewhere else besides New Smyrna, and I am thinking that the Canaveral seashore might be the place to go. Anything to get away from the typical crowds we keep running into. I just need to find a bait shop nearby!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Senate Scuttles Amendment Banning Same-Sex Marriage (Thank God!)

Sleepy day

Fighter practice at Martins last night went very well. I was sad that Phoenix couldn’t make it, but I had much fun. Most fun fighting I have had in some time. Martin taught me how to fight like Michael of Bedford, and wow does it work well for me! I cant wait to fight again! Otherwise I am too exhausted (no sleep) to do a decent post today, or for that matter do my job correctly. Plans for this weekend include more surf fishing, Phoenix cant get enough of it, and I am happy to oblige.

Japan plans pro-whaling alliance

Blinking Japanese! I want to sign up as a confederate raider! (They did a good job of destroying the U.S.'s Whaling fleet in the 19th C. Hmm. I wonder if we can develop somthing to give to whales that makes their flesh poisonous?

CIA's Acting Chief Says Threat Highest Since 9/11 - Here we go again

Here we are agian with another terror alert, and another opportunity to show the country how useless our "terrorist threat alert" system is. They say that we are at the highest level of threat since 9/11, but the alert status has not been raised. This government really doesnt have a clue does it?

Monday, July 12, 2004

Goin to the chapel and were gonna get married!

Whew. keep trying to make the better template. keep failing miserably!

Back to my old back up, the mermaid one was too risqué for folks at work. I worked on another one, but the preview and the actual blog never matched.

But in other news, I ASKED PHOENIX TO MARRY ME!

And she said yes! Which has made me very happy of course (and her *grin*)

It is going to be a long engagement, for we want to get married in Hawaii, the plan being this December.

I’ll try to describe this weekend as best I can. There was a lot that happened.

On Friday, finally the ring came in the mail. Thank God. I swore that Phoenix was going to figure out what was going on when I had this ring box like object in my pants pocket, but she didnt. That Friday we went out and saw King Authur, which was quite a good movie. Not spectacular, but very good. I like how they dressed the Saxons. I didnt like that fact that the Saxons had crossbows, not that they could hit anybody with them anyway. Next morning we went first to the flea market (and got me a pair of sunglasses) and then out to Liu Gardens. What a perfect place to ask someone to marry them! Actually as we were going in, a group of people were leaving who had just been married! Phoenix was saying how cool that was, and I just had to grin. We walked through the gardens, and it is amazing in Florida, that when you set up a place for wildlife, the wildlife come to you. There were amazing plants all around, but also some very cool animals. Our first encounter was a snake fishing for minnows in one of the small ponds. We walked from garden to garden and finally we stumbled into this beautiful area with a stained glass arboretum, surrounded by flowers. Just beyond it was an oval grass covered field where we took off our shoes to feel the grass under our feet. I decided that this would be the perfect place. I grabbed her, asked her if she would love me forever, she said yes, then I asked her if so, would she marry me. She said yes and started crying with a huge smile on her face. I then got a picture to remember it all just as it was.
We continued though the garden, and true to form, as always with Phoenix, she called a bird to come as a good omen. A huge owl flew in front of us and landed in a tree above us, giving us a nice pose to boot. Got me a good picture too! The rest of the gardens were truly spectacular, with exotic flora and nice shady groves with benches to sit in the heat. We left there grinning like Cheshire cats. Then we went and celebrated at the cheesecake factory, with a piece of vanilla bean cheesecake and a daiquiri (well I had a daiquiri, Phoenix had something called a “twilight zone”) and then went and saw Spiderman 2.
I loved the action, I loved Doc Oc, I didnt like Peter Parkers silly wishy washy romantic and personal confliction in the movie, it was boring, drawn out and overdone. I wish they could have managed to say what they were trying to say in a more powerful and condensed way and cut a half hour out of the movie, or added more action. Well anyway, it was good overall.
Sunday we cleaned cages, went grocery shopping and generally just hung out (and well, never mind). It was raining most the day anyway. But we were happy and content with the world.

And here is the ring, a dolphin and opal for Mrs. Dolphin! Posted by Hello

Pretty woman in an arch :) Posted by Hello

Flower! Pretty pretty! Kinda alien like. Posted by Hello

To quote a song I like - "Snake! Snake! Oh no its a snake! Posted by Hello

Phoenix just after being asked Posted by Hello

Here are some pretty roses from the rose garden Posted by Hello

Here is the Owl, very cool! Posted by Hello

All the world take note! Bryce de Byram, one of the finest men in the known world, has been knighted this last weekend. May his prowess always match his heart.
 Posted by Hello
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