Thursday, January 27, 2005

I hate loans

Sorry no updates lately… Been busy with other things… Like trying to buy a house…

And I got a month to find one and I have iffy credit. *sigh*

Cant go to Gulf Wars because of this and that sucks.

More when something real happens about the house (besides the smoke and mirrors I am dealing with now)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Thought this was funny after this weekend of fighting. Posted by Hello

A cold day in Florida

Well, today I have a little bit of a breather to do a little typing.

Its cold today! In the 50's! Yeesh!

This last weekend was Scots/Welch wars, which is pretty much a kingdom war practice, and I had a blast. I still don’t like the way I am fighting these days, but my melee skills are still ok. I can still charge through a line, which is always fun.
I have to say that we have ok morale, but we have so much work to do, and some mind set and social change before we turn into a first rate army. I usually like to compare kingdoms to their medieval equivalent, and I think I have finally figured out Trimaris. We are pre invasion Scotland. A relatively weak Crown, and warriors organized by a clan system (households) with no territorial boundaries within the kingdom. Scotland had the combat specialty of the highland charge, and we have a strong archer corps. Fighting skill is focused on the individual and not the group. In other words, after first contact, we fight like celtic heroes. Not very good when fighting Romans (i.e. disciplined troops). We have poor line discipline, and we only charge to contact and we don’t flank very well.
Our primary advantage at this next Gulf Wars is that we will have more allies this time. And well, we get to fight against Meridies (Let me put a disclaimer here… I like Meridians generally, nice folks, but I have never been on the winning side when they were our allies). Our numbers this year may well be over 100, but I have a feeling that we will have more numbers in allies then we have troops ourselves.
So I’m doing all this complaining and not offering any solutions. Well, there are many solutions, but they require change, and change is hard… Well, I am working on a melee 101 class myself that I hope to start teaching next year, so I will do my own little part.
In other news I learned that I will always have a thrusting tip on my swords at war. This is a must have.

Otherwise, home life is good. Work, is well, something I would rather not be doing if I could just win the lottery, or find something else to do that pays. I love my Phoenix, and Sinbad is starting to do really well. He is talking up a storm and is lightening up on his picking. I think he is going to adjust fine.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Its peak, and I wish I was home sleeping.

Sorry I haven’t posted in so long, its been very busy at work.

Life is going fine, work is getting into peak season, so I don’t have much time to type.
Went to an event last weekend and fought very poorly. I just couldn’t get into the flow of things. Getting sloppy.

We have a new bird, by the name of Sinbad. A Lesser Sulfur Crested Cockatoo, but he may not be staying. The owner gave him to us because he screams too much and it disturbs her cat, which seems to have epileptic fits when the bird screams. For a change, he is fully feathered. He is a nice little bird, although a bit of a bully towards the other birds. The problem is that he is starting to pluck, likely due to the stress of a new environment, and a new cage. The funny thing is that he doesn’t scream at our house… Or the screaming is just so quiet that Addicus just drowns him out. If he continues to pluck, in the next few weeks, we very well may give him back to the old owner so the bird doesn’t keep tearing himself up. I don’t blame him, he was with his old owner for 18 years, and now he is yanked out of his home, and taken away from his primary care giver. Oy!

Otherwise, I’m just kind of cruising along. Gulf Wars is coming up, and I have to start paying attention to it, but I would rather just pay attention to buying a house.
We start looking soon.