Phoenix and I went out for dinner to Nagoya Sushi last night and finally got to use that $25 certificate I got from, and I have to say that it is the best sushi to be had in Orlando. The place is not all that big, and not terribly fancy, but their sushi is prepared both in style and taste several degrees superior then any other place I have been in this town.
In other news, our poor little society finch's problem may be getting worse. The hernia seems to be going down, but his heath is deteriorating, which is very sad. I wish there was something to do for him, but I don't think there is. We have him in his own special cage with a heat lamp on him, and hopefully he will pull through. I ordered a vet book on birds the other day, so hopefully if it gets here on time it will have some insight.
Our other birds seem OK. Found endless amusement this morning when I turned on the lights for the Gouldians that the first thing the males did was jump on the ladies. It is amusing to see that humans are not the only creature that gets morning wood. However one of the males then proceeded to try to break things up in a fit of jealousy. Seems the right wing religious nuts are there too. Oh well.
This weekend may be fairly exciting. There is a bird auction we are going to. We likely will not buy any birds, but it will be interesting to check it out for future use. Also we get another rescue bird this weekend, a black headed Caique, that the owner attempted to get us to buy several months earlier. We said no then, that we rescue birds, we don't buy them, and she baulked. She paid like $800 for the thing and got a nice California cage, and she wanted some of her investment back. Nope, no way. Well, several months later, she is now giving the bird away. My worry is that it was just starting to pluck when we saw it last time months ago... my bets are it is far worse now. I tell you, some people do not need to own parrots. Trying to get your money out of your pet that you have had for years because you cant take care of it is just wrong. Poor bird. I hope it makes the transition well.
I cant wait to build an aviary however.. the house is getting a bit crowded.
Well, there are worse hobbies...
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