The big changes for me really have been at work. My company just got an account with the Community Colleges of Southern Nevada. They flew me out there to do review of the WebCT they had there, and to make recommendations. Well, the first thing I told them was to keep their administrator for the moment. So what was the first thing they did? Gave me the job.
Did I mention I hate Vegas? I have been there as a tourist a while back, and it wasn't bad, but spending more time there, its a town built on losers. Literally. If there were more winners then losers, there wouldn't be a city there. Its a town that feeds on forlorn hope and greed. Not somewhere I would ever want to live.
Did I mention its also in the middle of the desert? Deserts are supposed to be Deserted .
Alright, enough griping.

The good things that are happening are at home. I got a dog. The Whippet I have been dreaming of for years. His name is "Kiddo" to reflect the fact nothing else seemed to fit, and it is what seemed natural to call him.
Kiddo was very scared leaving his litter mates, but now has gotten used to things. He is fairly well behaved, save the occasional lapse in judgment on his part. He is a gas machine with the potency of tear gas. But very lovable none the less.
On another note, he is royalty. It seems his grandfather is the most winningest show whippet in the country... He can also run like the wind.

Otherwise, phoenix is breeding lovebirds and parakeets again, and we figured at this point we are going to keep breeding, and if we have spare, we will sell them at the bird show in June.

The other big thing Phoenix and I are up to (besides kayaking) is doing volunteer work at Smyrna Dunes Park. They need help desperately with wildlife conservation as well as a bunch of other things. We are going to start out doing a survey for Gopher tortoise, but somewhere out on the point is the ruins of a lighthouse that was destroyed by Indians... Get to use some of my archaeological mad skills and see if I can find it.
There is so much to do there it is daunting... Need to recruit more volunteers, need to raise money, need to petition the county for more resources, need to fill out grants, make a website, etc.

Hmm.. Other things going on... My brother Robin is still deployed in Ethiopia, but got a visit from his wife Danielle. I think he is having way too much fun for being deployed in the middle of nowhere...
So... What's coming up?
Next week Phoenix has an operation that I am very sorry I cannot attend, as I have to make a presentation to the upper executives of my company. But its a 20 minute procedure, and she will be fine. Just mad as hell at me...
Sometime soon I get to go to Petersburg VA. To take over a blackboard account up there. Be there for a week or so I think. In April I get to go to Massachusetts for a week with Becker.
On a more recreational note, I am hoping to meet with the Larcey side of the family in April at Perdido key for a long weekend. I can't wait!
Well enough for now... I want to make at least one or two posts a week from now on...
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