Much has happened since last post...
First, Phoenix had an operation. And it sucked.
She was told not to eat 12 hours before the surgery, and when asked about crashing blood sugar (she's diabetic) she was told, don't eat even sugar pills.
This was obviously stupid, and we were told after (because she had to have a shot of glucose because she crashed at the hospital) that it would have been alright to eat upto about six hours before hand.
The surgery, which was supposed to be a 20 minute procedure with local anetheitcs, turned into a 12 hour ordeal with her being put under. The worst part, they didn't do it right. (they cauterized her uterus, but missed part, so although it will fix some issues, it may not fix all her problems.)
Did I mention that I think the whole surgery was barbaric in the first place?
Well anyway...

Daytona Bike week was last week, and made traffic hell... Lots of cool looking bikes on the road though...
This weekend, we go kayaking again... This time on the coast. Sunday, more tortoise hunting!
1 comment:
Nice blog, man.
Nice photos.
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