Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Well, one of the people who will be giving us some cages came by work and told one of Phoenix's co-workers that she is running a rescue and he (the co-worker) got somewhat upset at that. That what we are doing is not rescue work....

Well.... he can jump in a frigging lake and come take care of our birds.... Or donate some money to help out with the food bill...

Yes, we breed some birds too... but for crying out loud, we rescue the others, and all the birds, breeders and non breeders are living a hell of a better life then they were.
All the breeders we have bought come to think of it.

I think I will have a card printed. "Phoenix's bird sanctuary"

Once we get a house, we will make it official.

Otherwise, the weekend went well, birds are fine, and the canaries are laying eggs... Did I mention we got canaries to breed... six of em. The finches eggs are due soon.. maybe this week. We are both excited.

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