Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Just singing in the rain!

Well, what has been going on lately?

Well it’s been raining quite a bit lately, and of course I love it! Florida rain has the wonderful quality of having that tropical feel to it, meaning really big raindrops coming straight down hard. Not to mention the firework show that we get with each storm. It is so awe inspiring for me to look up and see the boiling of the sky before a storm. I really should have taken Meteorology in college instead of Anthropology. It would have been much cooler to be a storm chaser. Oh well, maybe next lifetime…
The birds have been doing fairly well. Addicus is plucking less, Buddi has turned into a little piggy eating lots of routybush, Adonis is a little less sulky, and Zorah is turning into a beautiful little girl. She is now stepping up on her own and is only getting handfed twice a day. She is doing her flapping exercises and she is so dark, she almost looks like a little hawk… Very cool. Addicus is very amusing, but Zorah is capturing my heart. I really don’t want to clip her because a whole bird is a happy bird… But there is the danger of her flying away… Well, I might try to find a harness for her…
What else is going on? Might go fishing this weekend… Definitely need to get the Jeep’s brakes looked at as they are squeaking. Want to go camping, but its hard when you have kids *grin*. We definitely need to find a good babysitter.
Did I mention how cool Phoenix is? She feeds all these monsters!

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