Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Another Dull Day

It’s another boring day here at work. Calls are coming in, but they are not even frustrating today, they are just really boring to deal with. The good news is that I have done some good research on Hawaii, and there may be more places to stay, and the camping may be easier to do then I thought. I even found the place to download the registration forms for getting a marriage license. It is $60 to tie the knot, plus however much you pay the person to marry you.

In other news, the Trimaris champion’s tournament is this weekend, and I have started getting my armor in better shape. I made a gorget, started painting my shield, hammered out the bent corner, going to fix my chest armor straps, and my leg armor straps, and shine my helm. I hear it is going to be a bear pit, and I really really hate those. I would rather much have a double elimination. It’s going to be in the heat of the day, so it makes it that much worse. I just hope to do my Phoenix proud.

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