Thursday, October 21, 2004

Get up stand up! Get off your ass and vote!

This job is driving me completely out of my gourd.

I am in full burn out mode, and I need a vacation before I go postal.

Lately it has been two things driving me nuts. The first is that we are a little understaffed due to folks being out for one reason or another, and I am taking one call after another with no break for extended periods of time. The other is when people are just plain stupid. Someone with a near or far eastern accent calling me because they don’t know how to send an email. Then they get mad at me because I cant understand a word they are saying. Or how about the PhD who cant remember their password for getting into their computer, and accuses me of changing it. Or how about the 18 year old who calls in complaining that their computer is slow and says it’s the internet connection, when its actually the fact they have loaded too many file sharing programs and surfed to so many porn sites that their machine has more spyware and virii on it then a 2 bit whore.


Hawaii, here I come. You are far too far away.

In other news, Phoenix and I voted yesterday! This is her first time voting, and I was quite proud of her! The lines were short, but there certainly was a constant flow of folks going in and out of the voting room. Besides voting for people, the vote also called on constitutional amendments. The three that stand out in my mind were to allow slot machines at racetracks (something very silly to have in a constitution, but I voted for it none the less), Parental notification of abortions for underage women (which I voted against, its just the foot in the door for making more anti-abortion legislation) and last to repeal the high speed train project, which I voted against since I think it’s a spiff idea.

I voted, now it’s your turn. If you read this and don’t go out and vote, then no griping when decisions are made in government that you don’t like. There is early voting in this state and maybe in yours too, so GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE!

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